
This tutorial demonstrates how to do authentication with RingCentral C# SDK.

This tutorial is based on the tutorial Install RingCentral C# SDK. If you didn't follow that tutorial, you can download its source code and start our experiment right here.

Launch Xamarin Studio

Xamarin Studio

Press CMD - O to open the MyTestApp solution created in Install RingCentral C# SDK tutorial.

Open Test App

Open "ViewController.cs", Edit it and make the code like this:

using System;
using RingCentral.SDK;
using UIKit;

namespace MyTestApp
    public partial class ViewController : UIViewController
        public ViewController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)

        private Platform platform;
        private const string appKey = "appKey";
        private const string appSecret = "appSecret";
        private const string username = "username";
        private const string extension = "extension";
        private const string password = "password";
        private const string sandboxServer = "";
    // private const string productionServer = "";

        private void Authenticate ()
            if (platform == null) {
                var sdk = new SDK (appKey, appSecret, sandboxServer, "MyTestApp", "1.0.0");
                platform = sdk.GetPlatform ();
            if (!platform.IsAuthorized ()) {
                platform.Authorize (username, extension, password, true);

        private void PrintAuthenticationStatus ()
            if (platform != null && platform.IsAuthorized ()) {
                Console.WriteLine ("App is authenticated");
            } else {
                Console.WriteLine ("App is not authenticated");

        public override void ViewDidLoad ()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            // do the authentication
            Authenticate ();

            // make sure authentication is successful
            PrintAuthenticationStatus ();

        public override void DidReceiveMemoryWarning ()
            base.DidReceiveMemoryWarning ();
            // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.

Please do replace appKey, appSecret, username, extension and password with real values.

Code above looks a little long. Most of them are just boilerplate code. Which we shoud pay attention to is:

if (platform == null) {
    var sdk = new SDK (appKey, appSecret, sandboxServer, "MyTestApp", "1.0.0");
    platform = sdk.GetPlatform ();
if (!platform.IsAuthorized ()) {
    platform.Authorize (username, extension, password, true);

The first if statement creates the SDK object and gets the platform singleton. The second if statement does the authentication.

Press CMD - Enter to run the app. A simulator will be started. Wait until the app is up and running, check "Application Output" window for text "App is authenticated".

App Authenticated

The app itself in simulator is just a blank window because we didn't create any UI elements.

If the Application Output window is not already open, please click the following in Xamarin Studio's menu: "View -> Pads -> Application Output".

Please confirm that "App is authenticated" is printed to the Application Output window, which means that we have done the authentication correctly and successfully.

The source code of this tutorial is available for downloading.